Lover Of Christ Saint Athanasius Of Athos

This testimony of hymns and psalmody is a manifestation of honour and reverence towards Orthodox monasticism and St Athanasius the Athonite – St Athanasius, the first flowering of Athos, though not chronologically the first Athonite ascetic – honoured more than all their saints by the monks of Athos, who put him on a par with St Antony.

Chants sung

1. Astonished at your life in the flesh …
Dismissal hymn, syntomo chant
Third Mode

2. Astonished at your life in the flesh …
Dismissal hymn, argo chant
Third Mode

3. With what crowns …
Stichero prosomoio at the Lord, I have cried …, in an argo eirmological chant, with ornamentations by Matthaios Vatopaidinos (first half of the nineteenth century)
Second Mode

4. The beauty of the Fathers …
Doxastikon at the verse
Chant of Theophanes Vatopaidinos (born 1977)
Second Plagal Mode
Canonarches: Dimitrios Nentas

5. Sequence sung on 5 July for our Holy Father Athanasius of Athos
Set by monk Dositheos Katounakiotes († 1991)
Fourth Plagal Mode

6. Bringer to the world of light …
Idiomelo sung in the Lite
First Mode from KE

7. Salutations. The Third and Sixth Ode of the Canon of the Saint
Fourth Plagal Mode triphonos, and Fourth legetos
8. In everlasting remembrance …
Communion hymn sung at commemorations of saints
Chant of Gregorios Protopsaltes († 1821)
First Mode

9. Kratema
Chant of Daniil Protopsaltes († 1789)
Fourth Mode agia papadikos

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